Living a Nordic Life
Welcome to Living A Nordic Life, helping you live a Nordic Life, wherever you are.
From my home in southern Norway I'd love to share my Nordic lifestyle, cooking and surroundings with you, and show you how I have discovered that you don't need to live in Norway to enjoy and embrace a Nordic lifestyle and way of living.
Eple og Kardemomme Snurrer (Apple and Cardamom Rolls)
Allemannsrett, The Right to Roam
Friluftsliv, Your Life Outdoors
Fastelavnsboller, the Norwegian Shrovetide Speciality
How to Do Winter Like a Norwegian
Sami National Day, and a Traditional Sami stew
Blåsmesse on the Primstav
Tjukklefse, the Iconic Norwegian Treat
Turmat, the Special Food for Trips
Honningkaker, one of Norway's Oldest Recipes
The Power of the Dugnad
Rømmegrøt and Tjuendedagen on the Primstav
Midtvinter, Midwinters Day
Bløtkake, Norway's Celebration Cake, For Brettemesse
Lågen Valley Bread for Eldbjørgdagen
The Primstav and a recipe for Riskrem
Slow TV, it's a Nordic Thing
Lussekatter, the taste of St Lucia's Day
Krumkaker, a Nordic Christmas Treat
Skolebrød, a favourite of Norwegian kids (and adults!)