A Practical Guide to Getting Outside Like You're Nordic
Friluftsliv, that famous Nordic concept of getting outside into nature. Not so easy when you live in a city or town, when you have a life to live. Am I right??
I believe that you can live a Nordic life wherever you are in the world and whoever you are.
And I am going to show you how starting with friluftsliv, the art of getting outside into nature.
Do you want to get outside like they do in the Nordic countries?
Do you wish you knew where to start?
Do you want a practical guide to keep you motivated and enthusiastic?
Would you like some tips and secrets from someone who has learnt it all from scratch?
It can be such a chore to get outside especially when the weather is cold, raining and Netflix and the sofa are calling, but I promise that you are not alone.
I was the one dreading winter and cold and the dreary days that come with it, but fear not, I am here with you and I have a solution.
Have you noticed what a difference to your state of mind just standing outside your front door can make?
Close your eyes for a moment and imagine yourself standing in a quiet forest or on the shores of a sandy beach or at the top of a mountain. Just you and nature and the wide sky.
Simply imagining it brings you to a new place, brings a level of calm, slows your breathing. So imagine how it would be if you took those outside into nature everyday (well, let's start with every few days. This is the gentle approach. There are no regimental sergeant majors here!)

I want to learn to live more Nordicly for just 199nok.
You don't need to struggle on this alone. I can help!
I invite you for a peek into my life and the skills, techniques and knowledge I have gained living in Norway that have helped me (and three kids of varying ages) to truly embrace friluftsliv with Nordic authenticity.
"But Fiona, Scandinavians have grown up with friluftsliv. It's in their blood"
Yes you're right, but that passion and love of the outdoors and nature can be learnt. I wasn't born in Scandinavia; I am English. I was born and raised in southern England. A far cry from the wild forest, fjords and mountains of Norway. Yet I have learnt to love friluftsliv like I am Nordic.
I have lived in Norway for 7 years, been back and forth for much longer but what I will always carry with me wherever I chose to live is the Nordic love of friluftsliv.

It's become part of my soul and it will never leave
I want to share that passion with you. I want to show you how you too can have that rare and precious love of all things outdoors. How to be ready and excited to get outdoors regardless of what the weather throws at us; how to find friluftsliv in the unexpected places and how to embrace it all like you are Nordic.

What is "Friluftsliv: the Nordic Art of Loving the Outdoors"?
It's a practical, easy to use 106 page e-guide to help you embrace friluftsliv in a really Nordic way.
I will show you:
How friluftsliv is enjoyed in the Nordic countries
Different types of friluftsliv
All the reasons why it's good for you
Ways to get it in your own life with easy to use worksheets and simple steps
Tips and tricks to keep your enthusiasm and motivation
This is a self study e-book that you do at your own pace and pick up and put down as you wish.
You can download and access the guide from your PC, MAC, phone, tablet and even print it at home if you wish.
No time to read and study? Don't worry. You can use the bits that are most relevant to you right now and use the rest of it when you want.
Get your copy NOW 199nok
(approx. $20/£19/€20)
Let me tell you more....
Together we will be taking a journey through friluftsliv in the Nordic region and in particular Norway, my adopted country.
I will be telling you all about the ways friluftsliv is enjoyed and cherished here.
We will learn about why it's good for your health, both physically and mentally, and all the benefits that come from embracing a more Nordic life outside.
We'll talk about ways in which you can encourage a love of friluftsliv in yourself an those around you.
Special attention will be paid to dressing right (yes, it's important) and in particular dressing for winter outside.
I'm including tips, tricks and secrets to help you fall in love with friluftsliv like your'e Nordic.
There are worksheets and checklists that you can use on your device or print off to make notes on.
Frequently asked questions:
Q: Is it in English?
A: Yes it is! I have sprinkled in a few Norwegian words and phrases that you can use to impress your friends, but the e-guide is in English.
Q: How can I download the e-guide?
A: Once you have paid via the secure site at Paypal you will be asked to "return to vendor". That link will take you directly to the download where you can either view on your browser or save.
Q: What device do I need to download the e-guide?
A: The e-guide is in PDF format and can be downloaded on most PCs, MACS, phones and tablets.
Q: Can I save the e-guide to my device?
A: Yes, you can.
Q: Will there be a physical book?
A: Right now my plan is to only have it in electronic format, but I am considering getting it published in the conventional sense.
Q: Where can I get my copy?
A: Follow the "Buy now" link above and you will be taken to the payment site.
Q: Is payment secure?
A: Yes it is. Payment is through Paypal, which is very well known and secure method. I won't have any of your payment details as they are all through Paypal and it's secure payment method.
Q: How can I pay?
A: Payment is via Paypal's secure system and you can pay by most cards or through your Paypal account.
Q: Do I need a Paypal account to buy the e-guide?
A: No you do not. You can pay by most well known cards and you do not need to have a Paypal account to buy the e-guide.
Q: What if I want a refund?
A: I am not offering refunds, but if you really don't like the e-guide email me and we can discuss it.
Q: What if I can't download it after paying?
A: No problem! Simply send me an email and I will send a copy directly to you (subject to checking payment).
Q: Can I copy it for my friends?
A: Please don't! I'd love you to tell everyone if you like it, but in the same way as a book you would buy from a bookstore it is copywritten and I have spent a lot of time writing and creating.
Q: Can I print the e-guide?
A: Yes you can if you wish. You can print it at home, take it to a printing service, or simply pick the pages you'd like to print such as the worksheets.
Q: Did you take all the photos and where can I buy them?
A: Yes, I took all the photos but 2 of them. Right now they are not for sale, but they will be coming soon to my website.
Q: Where can I learn more about friluftsliv and Nordic living?
A: You can join my Facebook group Living a Nordic Life Wherever You Are. We'd be delighted to meet you there.
Q: Are you planning more e-guides?
A: Yes I am. All will be on the theme of Nordic living and I will be keeping everyone updated about when they'll arrive.

Get your copy of Friluftsliv: The Nordic Art of Loving the Outdoors NOW for 199nok
The e-guide is a practical guide to embracing friluftsliv in your life and should not be an alternative to advice from a trained medical professional. Before taking part in an physical activity please consult your doctor, especially if you are suffering from a pre-existing condition that might be affected by exertion.
By taking part in strenuous activity you do so at your own risk and
If you engage in any exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge the author from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of the contents of this e-guide.
The author advises you to take full responsibility for your safety and know your limits. Before practicing any skills described in this e-guide, be sure that you do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training, and comfort level.