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How to Start Embracing a Simpler Life

Writer's picture: Fiona McKinnaFiona McKinna

Updated: Nov 8, 2024

In our busy, technology-filled world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the busy-ness of everyday life. We find ourselves rushing form one task to the next, often along by our responsibilities and promises that we have made to get things completed on a deadline. However, when we simplify our lives, we can experience greater fulfillment, less stress, and an increase in overall happiness. Here in Norway it's something that people have been doing for a long time. We escape to the cabin for some quiet time away from technology and the pressures of modern life, but not everyone has the ability to do that. So how can we embrace a slower and simpler life wherever we are in the world?

Let me share some ways in which we can start to practically embrace a simpler lifestyle so you can focus on what truly matters.

Understanding Simplicity

To begin a journey toward simplicity, it's crucial to grasp what a simpler life means to you. Living a simpler life does not mean living without ambition or comfort; instead, it's about removing distractions and prioritising what truly matters to you. As with the Danish concept of hygge, it's very personal. Hygge to one person might not be hygge to another and the same applies to simplicity. It could be that for you it means clean lines, minimalist decor and a free schedule. For someone else it might be nostalgia, antique furniture and friends filling the house.

Choosing simplicity encourages us to evaluate our priorities. It fosters mindfulness and helps you appreciate each moment. Take some time to sit down and consider what simplicity and a simple life looks like for you.

Declutter Your Space

Decluttering is one of the most effective ways to start living simply. A cluttered space can be horribly stressful and distracts us from what we want in life. Take a few small steps to start decluttering your life effectively:

  • Start Small: Focus on one room at a time. For instance, if you have a home office, dedicate just 10-15 minutes each day to sorting through papers and items on your desk.

  • The Four-Box Method: Label four boxes as “Keep,” “Donate,” “Sell,” and “Trash.” For example, while cleaning out your closet, if you find five shirts you haven’t worn in over a year, put them in the "Donate" box. My rule of thumb is that if I haven't used it for a year I probably don't need it. I waive this rule when it comes to family heirlooms though! Afterall nostalgia can be wonderful for our mental health (see my article about nostalgia)

  • Digital Declutter: Your digital space counts too! This one is probably one of the most important. We forget that digital clutter can have an effect on us every minute of the say. Organise files into folders, unsubscribe from 50+ emails you rarely read, and delete apps you haven't used in the last three months.

Creating a cleaner space makes room for peace and enhances your creativity and productivity.

Simplify Your Schedule

A crowded schedule often leads to burnout. It's OK to have a full life, but keep in mind the stress you are creating for yourself if you say yes to everything. To simplify your commitments, try these steps:

  • Prioritise: Identify top responsibilities. For example, if you’re spreading yourself too thin with work and social commitments, say “no” to non-essential meetings or events that do not align with your goals.

  • Plan Ahead: Use a planner or digital calendar to manage your time better. Try scheduling at least one leisurely activity each week to recharge. This is a lovely to time to get out that that beautiful new planner or journal you have been saving (or invest in a new one). Picking up a pen and paper creates higher electrical activity in our brains which in turn unlocks sensory processing, memory and movement. It's good for us!

  • Limit Screen Time: You know this, right?! Digital distractions can consume your time. Consider reducing your social media usage by 50% for a week, and notice the difference in your focus and mood. And the extra time you have!

By simplifying your schedule, you can reclaim time for what you love most and unlock more time for new activities.

Focus on Mindful Consumption

In the Nordics we are constantly reminded of this. We recycle almost everything, try to reduce our waste and be as environmentally friendly as possible. Being mindful about what you purchase can greatly support a simpler lifestyle. Here are a few ways to implement this:

  • Conscious Shopping: Before making any purchase, ask yourself if it’s genuinely necessary. Use the maxim "do I either love it or need it". If the answer is no, try to consider if you really do need to buy it. If you are still unsure, then wait a few days and ask yourself the same question again.

  • Quality Over Quantity: Invest in fewer, high-quality items that last longer. For example, instead of a closet full of cheap clothing, select a few premium pieces that you love and wear often. Or try buying second hand. You can often find really beautiful items in a second hand shop. Vintage and nostalgia are not only cool, but are more unique and different that the mass produced stuff you often find in high street stores. In Norway we also love to invest in artisanal products such as handknitted sweaters. The workmanship that goes into them makes them a little more expensive, but they will last a long time

  • Support Local: Whenever possible, buy from local vendors or farmers’ markets. This choice not only strengthens your community but often results in fresher, healthier products. Some of my favourite products come from local suppliers and farmers markets. We often travel an hour to go to a local butcher because we know that the meat he sells is so much better than anywhere else. Yes, it's not something we do every week, but we appreciate the products so much more.

By becoming a mindful consumer, you’ll develop a clearer perspective on what you truly need in your life.

Cultivate Meaningful Relationships

Simplifying life often involves focusing on the depth of relationships over their number. Consider these strategies to nurture authentic connections:

  • Invest Time: Set aside at least one hour each week to engage with family or friends. Try hosting a game night or going for a walk together. And if you can't do this, talk to them either online or on the phone

  • Practice Active Listening: I have to admit this is something I need to constantly practice. People in the Nordics are very good at waiting for you finish what you are saying before they start their part of the conversation and it a great habit t have, to listen intently when others speak. When a friend shares a story, respond with questions that show genuine interest in their experience.

  • Seek Authenticity: Surround yourself with supportive people who uplift you. If certain relationships drain your energy, consider spending less time on those connections or even let them go.

Building deep relationships brings joy that material things cannot provide. It's also a key part of a hygge lifestyle.

Develop Healthy Habits

I talk about healthy habits a lot and embracing simplicity also means creating healthy habits that enhance your well-being. I know you know what I am talking about! Try these approaches:

  • Mindfulness Practices: Consider dedicating just 10 minutes each day for meditation or deep breathing. Even small steps can lead to reduced stress.

  • Limit Multitasking: Focus on one task at a time. Studies show that multitasking can reduce productivity by 40%. Choose one task and give it your full attention.

  • Embrace Nature: In Norway we call this "friluftsliv" and it means outdoor living. It's a key part of a Nordic lifestyle and something everyone here grows up with from birth. It has a profound and important effect on our mental and physical health. Try to spend at least 20 minutes outdoors each day. Research shows that time in nature can boost your mood and improve creativity amongst a host of other benefits. It doesn't just help our bodies, it helps our minds too.

  • Eat a healthy diet: Take a quick look at what you have in your cupboards and fridge. Admittedly we all need a treat, but try to focus on filling your body with healthy, nourishing food. The fresher it is the better. A good rule of thumb is that the fewer ingredients it has in the better and better still if you can go for raw, basic ingredients such as fruit and vegetables and prepare food from scratch. It doesn't need to be stressful; cooking from scratch can be incredibly rewarding and fun.

A Path to a More Fulfilling Life

Choosing a simpler life is a continuous journey that requires reflection and mindfulness and an acceptance that it is a path that is very personal and individual. By decluttering your space, simplifying your schedule, embracing mindful consumption, nurturing meaningful relationships and developing healthy habits, you can build a life full of purpose and fulfillment.

As you take this journey, remember that simplicity is not just a goal but a way of living. By beginning to embrace simplicity today you will start to discover the peace and clarity it can bring to your life. Take that first step and enjoy the transformation it can create.


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