G-LYT65DJ8Q1 Nordic Raspberry Summer Cake (Bringebær Kvæfjordkake)
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Nordic Raspberry Summer Cake (Bringebær Kvæfjordkake)

Kvæfjordkake (kuh-vay-fee-yor-kocker) is often called the "world's best cake" here in Norway and it's certainly delicious. It's something you often find on the party cake table and gets swept as quickly as all the other cakes. When it comes to indulging a little we don't worry about the calories in the Nordics. Afterall you'll be outside making the most of the fresh air and moving your body tomorrow, so why not indulge today.

Kvæfjordkake is a soft sponge cake with a meringue topping often sprinkled with toasted almonds. It's filled with whipped cream and is rich and decadent. It's usually made in a rectangular cake tin and is slightly flat, but I thought I would take it to new heights and share a more unusual recipe of my own for a round kvæfjordkake with it's own special summery twist that cuts through the cream with a deliciously slight tartness.

Nordic Raspberry Summer Cake


125g /4.5 oz butter 125g /4.5 oz sugar

4 medium sized egg yolks

3 tablespoons milk

125g / 4.5 oz plain, all purpose flour

2 teaspoon baking powder

Meringue topping

4 medium sized egg whites

200g /7 oz sugar

chopped or slivered almonds (optional)

Raspberry curd filling

200g /7 oz frozen raspberries

100ml /3.5 fl oz water

450g /1 lb sugar

125g / 4.5 oz butter

4-5 eggs (to make 200ml beaten egg)

To finish

350ml /12 fl oz double or heavy cream

A few fresh raspberries to decorate


Preheat oven to 150C /300F

Lightly grease 2 round 20cm / 7 inch cake tins and line the bases with circles of greaseproof paper.

Beat together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy and slightly pale in colour. Gradually add the egg yolks one a time beating well between each addition. Fold in the flour and baking powder alternately with the milk. Divide the batter between the two cake tins and smooth the tops to make them level.

For the meringue topping whisk the egg whites until very stiff and pure white. Add the sugar one spoonful at a time whisking well each time. Before adding the next spoonful take a small amount of the meringue between two fingers. If it feels gritty keep whisking until it's smooth and before you add any more sugar. This ensures a beautiful smooth meringue. Once you have added all the sugar and beaten it well, carefully spread the meringue over the two cake batters. Smooth it a little, but don't be afraid to give it a few little peaks. Sprinkle the almonds (if you are using them) over each one and bake for about 30 minutes until the cake comes away from the side of the tin and the meringue is a very light golden brown. Cool for 30 minutes in the tins before running a knife around the edges and gently turning out onto a wire rack. Cool the right way up.

To make the raspberry curd put the raspberries and the water in a pan bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes until tender. Sieve to remove the seeds. You should have about 200ml / 7 fl oz of raspberry liquid. Return this to the pan with the sugar and butter. Bring to a simmer, stirring all the time until the butter has melted and the mixture is glossy and smooth. Allow to cool for about 30 minutes. Beat the eggs and sieve them into the raspberry mixture. Stir in well and return to a low heat stirring all the time. Continue to cook over a low heat, stirring well until the mixture is thick. Try to not allow it to boil. Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool.

To assemble the cake put one of the cakes onto a pretty plate. Spread the raspberry curd over it getting almost to the edges. Whip the cream and spread half over the raspberry curd. Top with the other cake. Decorate with the remaining cream and some fresh raspberries. Refrigerate for a few hours before serving.

NOTE: If you have any raspberry curd left it will keep very happily in the fridge for a week or so and is delicious served on toast for breakfast.

Enjoy your Nordic summer hygge!

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