May in Norway is one of those months that seems to be punctuated by public holidays. It's also a time when some of the nicest seasonal ingredients start to become available. Prawns are a wonderful ingredient that are always in the shops frozen and one of the easiest foods to get hold of in Norway. But there is a special feeling when they appear fresh again and we can enjoy simple, but delicious meals where they are the stars.
With a public holiday on the horizon on Monday and the promise of sunny weather and an extra day off, a lot of people head straight to their hytte (cabin) to get away from things and relax, and of course, with a lot of cabins having fairly basic facilities, simple food is a must.

I felt that Räkmacka (prawn open sandwich) is such an icon of Nordic cuisine that it rightly deserved to be brought out today. It's a summery, light dish that is perfect at any time of day and makes the most of what the season has to offer.
Be sure to choose the best quality ingredients you can afford. This dish is so delightfully simple, but the taste comes from the freshness of the prawns, the creaminess of great butter and a crisp lettuce.

Räkmacka (Swedish Prawn Open Sandwich)
Ingredients Per person
1 slice of bread. I prefer white bread for this.
2 teaspoon of butter
Salad leaves
1 hard boiled egg
100g shelled prawns or shrimps
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
Lemon slices
A simple method to make..
Butter the bread and layer up the smørbrød in the following order:
Salad leaves
Sliced hard boiled egg
Decorate with some small fronds of dill leaves and a slice or two of lemon. Some freshly ground black pepper is also delicious.
Simplicity itself, Swedish style.

Vær så god!
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